tahniah kat awin!
yeah dpt keputusan SPM lagi bagus dr akak n abg ko.. hehehe...
smoga dpt jd pregnancy sergeon... sesuke je nak ltk name... aslkan ko dpt jd DOKTOR...
i pray for your success!!!!
dh seminggu xgi klas.. byk yg terlepas but i felt a bit release from "something"..
for me learning accounting is something that i must take as my major in life.. it is for knowledge that i should have! but something that i really want in this life is to becoming PROFESSIONAL PIANO...
it so difficult to do many thing in the same time...
we need to work hard to get better life, especially women! the men will easily leave us just to search their dream but they always forgot about the women that help them in their life...
i think it is natural for them.. so for women, even the men really care about you, you still need to work hard for yourself.. find something that couldnt leave you even you are down... we cant predict wat human will do but we can prevent.. as long as we believing we will success!!!!!

be strong as you can face everything... dont give up as you still can stand... dont feel down as you still have chance.... the dream wil come true if you keep trying without feeling to get back wat you give... BELIEVING